WP1: Development and validation of pHabs experimental setup and
measurement method
The aim of this work package is to elaborate a reliable and robust system allowing the standardisation of routine measurement systems in terms of pHabs. The work package targets Objective 1.
WP leader: PTB
WP2: Liquid Junction Potential Determination
The aim of this work package is to develop a protocol to determine the liquid junction potential (LJP) between two solvents, or solvent mixtures, S1 and S2. This work package relates to Objective 2.
WP leader: ALU-FR
WP3: Case studies: Applications to Field Practices
The aim of this work package is to provide exemplary "ready-made" measurement solutions – consisting of measurement procedures and relations (mathematical functions) between pHabs and ethanol mass fraction in water-ethanol mixtures. This represents substantial progress and goes well beyond the results provided in the FP7 BIOREMA (2011-2014) and EMRP JRP ENG09 (2010-2013) projects towards reaching a reference metrology level for pH measurement in complex media, such as mixed aqueous or organic solvents. This work package will fulfil the objective 3 and contribute towards demonstrating impact of this project.
WP-leader: UT
WP4: Creating impact
WP-leader: LNE
WP5: Management and coordination
WP-leader: LNE