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A selection of pHabsH2O values of some mobile phases for liquid chromatography and other solutions is given in the tables below.

Mobile phases

Organic phase Water phase Volume ratio organic/ water Water phase pH Salt bridge pHabsH2O uRW ucRef
MeCN 1 mM NH3 80/20 9,75 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 10,47 0,06 0,151
MeCN 1 mM NH3 50/50 9,75 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 10,07 0,06 0,151
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with NH3 80/20 9,01 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 9,69 0,00 0,141
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with NH3 80/20 7,03 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 9,41 0,01 0,141
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with NH3 80/20 7,82 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 9,39 0,01 0,141
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 80/20 6,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 9,39 0,00 0,141
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with HCOOH 80/20 5,48 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 9,22 0,00 0,141
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with HCOOH 80/20 6,05 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 9,16 0,01 0,141
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with HCOOH 80/20 5,03 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 8,99 0,00 0,141
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with HCOOH 80/20 5,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 8,92 0,07 0,151
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with HCOOH 80/20 4,66 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 8,65 0,01 0,141
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 80/20 5,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 8,59 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 80/20 5,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 8,43 0,01 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 75/25 5,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 8,41 0,01 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 70/30 5,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 8,23 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 75/25 5,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 8,18 0,01 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 80/20 4,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 8,10 0,01 0,142
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with HCOOH 80/20 4,02 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,95 0,00 0,141
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 70/30 5,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,94 0,01 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 75/25 4,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,80 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 80/20 4,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,64 0,01 0,142
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with HCOOH 80/20 3,77 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,52 0,06 0,151
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 70/30 4,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,50 0,01 0,142
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with HCOOH 50/50 5,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,50 0,07 0,151
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 50/50 5,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,49 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 75/25 4,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,32 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 45/55 5,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,30 0,01 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 80/20 3,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,18 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 40/60 5,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,11 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 50/50 5,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,05 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 70/30 4,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,03 0,01 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 75/25 3,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 6,86 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 45/55 5,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 6,85 0,01 0,142
MeCN 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with HCOOH 80/20 3,07 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 6,82 0,01 0,141
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 40/60 5,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 6,62 0,01 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 70/30 3,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 6,57 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 50/50 4,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 6,56 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 45/55 4,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 6,36 0,00 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH titrated vith NH3 40/60 4,50 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 6,14 0,01 0,142
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH 80/20 2,68 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 5,37 0,07 0,151
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH 50/50 2,68 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 4,39 0,05 0,151
MeCN 0.1 vol% TFA 80/20 - 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 3,63 0,00 0,141
MeCN 0.1 vol% HCOOH 20/80 2,68 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 3,27 0,04 0,141
MeOH 1 mM NH3 80/20 9,75 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 8,89 0,05 0,151
MeOH 1 mM NH3 50/50 9,75 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 8,70 0,05 0,151
MeOH 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with HCOOH 80/20 5,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 7,49 0,06 0,151
MeOH 5 mM CH3COONH4 titrated with HCOOH 50/50 5,00 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 6,47 0,06 0,151
MeOH 0.1 vol% HCOOH 80/20 2,68 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 4,79 0,05 0,151
MeOH 0.1 vol% HCOOH 50/50 2,68 0.05 M Et4NClO4 in MeCN 3,89 0,04 0,141


uRW        within-lab reproducibility                                         uc        combined standard uncertainty

1 Suu, A. et al. (2015), Analytical Chemistry, 87(5), pp. 2623–2630.

2 Liigand, P. et al. (2017), Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 28(10), pp. 2124–2131.



Formate buffers

Solution pHabsH2O SD of 4 values from ladders with different electrodes Salt bridge
10 mM NH4HCO2 in EtOH 7,45 0,03 [N2225][NTf2]
10 mM NH4HCO2 in 80 wt% EtOH 8,21 0,02 [N2225][NTf2]
10 mM NH4HCO2 in 50 wt% EtOH 8,90 0,02 [N2225][NTf2]


From: Heering, A., Bastkowski, F. and Seitz, S. (2020), Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, 9(2), pp. 383–389.



Water-organic mixtures without additives

Weight percentage Solvent pHabsH2O range min … max Number of results Salt bridge
100 MeCN 6.40 … 9.78 4 [N2225][NTf2]
76 MeCN 7.46 … 9.36 5 [N2225][NTf2]
44 MeCN 6.20 … 7.24 4 [N2225][NTf2]
25 MeCN 6,30 1 [N2225][NTf2]
17 MeCN 5.99 … 6.33 4 [N2225][NTf2]
100 MeOH 6.70 … 8.96 5 [N2225][NTf2]
80 MeOH 9,14 1 [N2225][NTf2]
76 MeOH 6.35 … 8.71 5 [N2225][NTf2]
75 MeOH 6,49 1 [N2225][NTf2]
50 MeOH 6.91 … 7.87 2 [N2225][NTf2]
44 MeOH 6.78 … 7.94 3 [N2225][NTf2]
25 MeOH 6.23 … 6.43 2 [N2225][NTf2]
20 MeOH 6,79 1 [N2225][NTf2]
17 MeOH 5.83 … 6.20 2 [N2225][NTf2]
100 EtOH 7.83 … 9.41 3 [N2225][NTf2]
90 EtOH 9,57 1 [N2225][NTf2]
80 EtOH 7.84 … 9.12 5 [N2225][NTf2]
70 EtOH 7.81 … 8.48 3 [N2225][NTf2]
50 EtOH 6.82 … 8.12 7 [N2225][NTf2]
40 EtOH 6,74 1 [N2225][NTf2]
30 EtOH 6,57 1 [N2225][NTf2]
20 EtOH 6.29 … 6.43 2 [N2225][NTf2]
10 EtOH 6.00 … 6.03 2 [N2225][NTf2]


From: Deleebeeck, L. et al. (2021), Sensors, 21(11), 3935.

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